Nordic tropical escapism
6 cl MEIR Snavvel
2 cl pineapple juice
2 cl orange liqueur
2 cl orgeat*
2 cl lime juice
1 cl cinnamon syrup**
Combine all the ingredients into a shaker with ice cubes. Shake until well-chilled. Strain into a double rocks glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with an inverted lime shell and mint sprigs. Sip with a straw.
Tip: Fill an inverted lime shell with aquavit. Light it on fire upon serving the cocktail.
*2 parts almond milk, 1 part sugar + a few drops almond flavour extract. Important: Do not heat. Mix the syrup cold.
**1 part sugar, 1 part water – infused with cinnamon sticks (2 sticks for liter syrup)